Friday, 30 September 2016

Goddess on the mountain top

I really don't make things easy for myself with my cartoons sometimes.
Just finished one where I had to recreate a painting by Rubens.
I think I have said this before, but why can’t I just draw stickmen?
And it's probably not funny either.
The subject might be too niche- yet another art history related one.
I won't post it just yet.

In the meantime here is another niche, art related cartoon- it did not sell.
In my living room I have a print of The Rokeby Venus painting by Velazquez. It's also known as The toilet of Venus/ Venus at her toilet.

My childish sense of humour resulted in this cartoon.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

"Zed's dead, baby- Zed's dead"

I work in a basement.
My job is in I.T. support, so it is the law that I must be housed in such a place.
It's not great. No natural light or air.
Once or twice a year the pipes from the toilets above us leak.
The odd mouse shows up every now n again to lighten the mood.

Anyway... apparently one of the most popular type of housing extensions (in London at least ) is the basement extension.
One day I wondered why this might be.
Here is a cartoon in the current Private Eye magazine.

Friday, 2 September 2016

And this is me...

News item in the UK last week: 
"Mediterranean diet better for the heart than taking statins, major study suggests"

Is this really new news?

Here's a cartoon I had rejected by everyone a year or so back.

(bloke on sofa modelled by self)