Wednesday 6 December 2017

Not shoddy

It's coming up to that time of year when we disappoint our nearest and dearest with shoddy gifts.
Yup- Christ's birthday is almost upon us.

This book will make a wonderful Christmas present

I have a couple of cartoons in it- but don't worry, the rest of the book is quite good.

Sunday 3 December 2017


Sorry for the lack of posts.
I will try to be a bit more communicative now that I have a few things to blether on about.

I was asked recently to donate one of my cartoons to the Victoria And Albert museum's new collection of Private Eye cartoons.
As they put it: "The Private Eye cartoons would form one of the V&A's extensive collections of original drawings, building upon our collection of historic caricature and satire."

Which is nice.

And thankfully they were happy to receive digital drawings (y'know- what with me only drawing on a computer)

The cartoon they wanted was this 'ere one, from a few years back

(In case you don't know- I have ripped off Raphael's 'School of Athens' painting)

Sunday 15 October 2017

See Spot Run- Run! Run! agghh!!!

I like to go out for a run every now n then.
There is lake near me.
The path around it is a good route.

Dogs are friendly...aren't they.

This appeared in The Spectator magazine the other week.

Sunday 24 September 2017

"Una cappuccino, no froth"

That's a line from the Tony Hancock film 'The Rebel'.
Well worth a watch if you can hunt it down.

Anyway- here's a cartoon about coffee shops from Private Eye a few weeks back

Thursday 24 August 2017


Hello again-
Here's a new cartoon.
In the current Private Eye magazine

Wednesday 1 February 2017

I'll draw something new one day

Here's one that did get published- from a couple of weeks ago in The Spectator.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Choose life

So, there is a new Trainspotting film out- and the original movie from 1996 is on telly right now- and at various times during ad breaks there are adverts for mattresses, with smiley airbrushed couples simpering over poorly manufactured garbage ("Hey! Change your mattress every 8 years, with Mr Mattress! We're open 7 days per week- just round the corner from this cinema!")

I couldn't sell this one.

Sunday 15 January 2017

First Dates

Not drawn much for a while, but I hope to rectify that soon.
In the meantime- here is one of my rejects.

It's supposed to be a modern take on, I dunno, something or other.
Sorry- bit tired. I've been driving around the home counties trying to find a decent Sunday roast.