Friday, 27 November 2009
No-one will believe I thought of it first
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
The Twiglet Zone

Monday, 23 November 2009
I lose again
Results just in for the caption competition a couple of months back. My original caption was only voted second favourite by the readers of Reader's Digest- but I only lost by 5 votes. So, here is the pic again- bearing in mind that it's supposed to show a Mowgli type wolf-boy, my caption is:
"You both know I appreciate you raising me, but I have some news."

The winning caption, by Edward Peppitt of Stoke-on-Trent was:
"Typical! You stand there for hours crying wolf, then two come along at once."
As the magazine points out on their website, quite where the cat comes into this is anyone's guess.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
It's either this or 'I'm a celebrity'...
Prospect magazine has this cartoon of mine in their latest issue- It’s based on Jacques Louis David's 'Marat Assassinated'.

One of the leaders of the French Revolution, Marat used to work at a desk in his bath (I think he had a painful skin condition which was eased by being in water- or something). He was assassinated whilst in the bath, and it is this moment that David represents. I suppose assassination isn't really a jolly subject, but it was over 200 years ago, so I hope no one takes offence.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Poor me
I have a cartoon in Private Eye magazine this week, but I'm far too weak and feeble to post it- *cough...splutter...wheeze*
Thursday, 12 November 2009
My night nurse, oh the pain it's getting worse...

I only sent it to one mag, which rejected it- and then the flu that was going to end mankind sort of went away, making it no longer newsworthy. Perhaps if the promised pandemic breaks out this winter it might become topical again, and I'll be able to profit from other people's misery. Fingers crossed, eh!
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Pretentious? Watashi? *
Oh- and I'm also cooking a chicken based on a recipe from the Yemen.
And I wonder why I’m single- *sigh*.
(In my defence, my favourite TV programme is 'Harry Hill's TV Burp'.)
*10 points to anyone who gets the reference, without Googling.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Life beyond the cartoon graveyard
Gunpowder, treason and plot...
This has nothing to do with cartoons-so, I’ll get back to the plot. Quite pleased this week, as I've made a couple of sales (I’ll post them when they get published) and a couple of 'holds' (nothing definite, but potential publication)- oh, and the usual rejections. Such as the following- I really liked this, so I was sad Foxy never got into print.

But... these things might have life after publishing death.