Wednesday 31 August 2011

Flippin' 'eck, Tucker

Excellent! Summer is almost over!
If past years are anything to go by, this means that once the days get dark, cold and depressing I will start thinking of some cartoon ideas again- anything coming out in print at the moment was drawn ages ago- such as the two I currently have in Private Eye- here's one of them- to celebrate 'Back to School' time.

(That kid at the front of the class would be me- i have no idea how these new fangled gizmos work)

Monday 29 August 2011

Dorian Gray

Just started a self portrait-
Man, i'm good looking-  not sure i should post the finished article- it'd just leave blokes feeling inadequate, and chicks might swoon

Saturday 27 August 2011

Cemetery Junction

There are a load of identikit whiny voiced nu-folk indie kids on telly at the mo- the Reading Festival is on. I used to go to this event quite a lot- it being not very far away from Lencartoons Towers- and I used to like music back then. And then one year I came to the realisation that I had no idea who anyone was, and that I was in the middle of a field next to an industrial estate in Reading, breathing in smoke from a thousand fires fuelled by waxy paper beer cups- so I stopped going (oh, hang on- Madness have just come on...i wonder which farewell tour this is now??).
Anyway- As I shuffle around the living room in my slippers and cardigan, I wait for the X Factor to begin on the other side...

Thursday 18 August 2011

version 1.0

Hello again- Thanks to those of you who said I should continue posting my nonsense- I do appreciate it. I don't know if other cartoonists go through periods of disliking what they're drawing...well, anyway- i do. I have decided to drop the cartoons for a bit, so that I can focus on teaching myself to draw and paint properly. I am now busy scribbling things that don't involve talking cats, psychotic pensioners or disaffected youths- and it's so much more enjoyable! I expect i'll get back to the toons again once I realise I need the extra money- but for now- here's an oldie, which i don't think i've posted previously...could be wrong though- it was in the Reader's Digest a year or so ago. (hope it comes out OK- I'm using a new editing thing in Blogger so that the pic appears the correct size)

Thursday 11 August 2011


Thinking of giving this blog up- it's had a good innings. Although it's probably just because i'm in the middle of a cartoon blank spell and have nothing to post

Dunno... we'll see.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Terminal velocity

Woo! It’s holiday season! Summer's here!

So I'm told...I'm lucky if get 5 minutes away from my I.T. support basement to get a packet of crisps.
Still- who needs time off when you know you are making a difference- I mean, how will people print their monthly reports on widget production without toner?!

And anyway- aeroplanes scare me.