Friday 28 September 2012

The Snooty Fox

Day off from the day job today- the perfect opportunity to catch up with the cartooning- think up new ideas! draw loads of cartoons! do some 'fine' art too, perhaps!
So, I went to the pub for lunch.
Good grub- this fellow thought so too, and tried to steal my gammon steak through the power of hypnosis that all cats possess.

(Didn’t get round to drawing anything in the end- too much telly to watch...I don't actually like drawing, truth be told- shh! don't tell anyone)

Monday 17 September 2012


Autumnal chill to the air- shorter days- gloom...(Woo hoo!)
But, for those of you who don't like the darkness, here's a cartoon from The Spectator with a nice splash of colour.


Thursday 13 September 2012

No Fun

Here's an unpublished one- couldn't find a buyer- what was I trying to say with it? ermm...probably something about society-blah blah- "Get orf moi laaand- stop!- Hey, don't do that!- careful now...- mine, not yours- is it safe?- no trespassing!"
I dunno.
Tried to conjure up the spirit of Sir John Tenniel in the drawing- meh! I wish...he was a proper draughtsman.

Friday 7 September 2012

School is no longer out for summer

OK- this one I've posted because I think the colouring in is quite nice- it's in the latest Private Eye magazine.
However, it will make no sense unless you are familiar with a certain painting by Raphael, and also the odd system in the UK that gets some kids into their choice of school.
(Don't be scared- I'm sure there will be some talking cats on this blog soon)

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Garlic Bread?

Not far from LenCartoons Towers is a very famous eaterie- the Heston Services- aka The Fat Duck.
I'm quite happy with Egg McMuffin as my meal of choice, so i've never eaten there- but the chef is quite famous. For those of you confused by the toon it might be worth image googling him- hopefully it might make more sense if you do so.
(This one ended up in last week's Spectator)