Tuesday 27 September 2011

Straight Outta Compton

Warm and sunny day today, and a day off from turning computers off and on, so obviously I spent it indoors- at the Watts gallery in Compton, Surrey- not far from Guildford. This gallery, devoted to the Victorian artist George Frederic Watts, has recently been done up, and no longer has rain dripping through the broken roof- which I guess is a good thing- but in a way I sort of missed the decrepit charm that it used to have.

Here's a cartoon about art- it's in the latest issue of Prospect magazine.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Begone pigeon

Blimey- finally finished a cartoon today- It's about time- must be down to lack of distracting pigeons outside (i think one of the neighbourhood cats has been on a killing spree).
You might have noticed I'm not exactly the most prolific of cartoonists- but looking at my records it appears I am lucky enough to have a fairly good hit rate when I do get round to drawing the bloody things- currently averaging 42.8 toons published per 100 drawn.
I guess almost 50% isn't too bad, is it??

Here's one I did earlier- In the latest issue of Saga magazine

Wednesday 7 September 2011

bob state

Almost drew a cartoon today- would have been the first one in about 2 months- but I was distracted by a pigeon in the back garden, so nowt came of it- but at least I thought about it, so it looks as if I might be finally breaking free from the Summer shackles of inspiration..woo!
Here's a cartoon I couldn't sell- I'm not going to include the caption- have a go at coming up with something yourself- If it's any good I might use it- and if it sells I won't credit you- because I'm mean.

(Update! A magazine asked for the toon today- woo hoo! I'll reveal the caption when it gets published)

(Update 2- this one finally made it in to print- my caption, as printed in Saga magazine is......"I'll have the happy meal")