Saturday 24 December 2016

Summer breeze

Here are a couple of toons drawn way back in August. There is a reason they have not appeared before now. Might be something to do with the subject.

Private Eye magazine puts out their call for Christmas card ideas a good few months in advance. They took one of my ideas for a card. Woo hoo! They also took one of the other designs to use in the festive edition of the magazine- Another woo hoo!

Here is the card-

An email from them the other day- sadly they could not find room in the magazine for the other cartoon.
Quite apt really considering the subject.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Fairy Tales

Here's a toon from the Spectator a few weeks back.

Sunday 11 December 2016

My brother loved a good party- and it is currently the party season- those couple of weeks just before Christmas.
Too much wine is drunk- inhibitions gone...
But these days you have to be careful with some traditions.

A cartoon in the Spectator.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Will post some cartoons again soon. Now is not the time though.