Friday 25 June 2010

OK Brain. I Don't Like You And You Don't Like Me...

Hmm... It's been a month now since I've thought of, and drawn, a cartoon.
Perhaps I'm going to enter one of my 10 year cartoon hibernation periods.
Today I took the day off from trying to upgrade email server antivirus solutions, in an attempt to have a thinking day. But, the sunny weather meant I ended up wandering along the Thames path near Marlow. V nice, but I didn't feel inspired cartoon-wise.
And now the BBC has wall to wall coverage of the Glastonbury festival- not much chance of me sitting down and thinking funny while that's on.
Ah well- Perhaps I shouldn't dwell too much on it. I still have a few toons doing the rounds, and some I drew a while back are just coming out in print.

Here's one in this week's Spectator

Saturday 19 June 2010

It's all in the breeding

Last day of the Royal Ascot races today. I went on Wednesday, and have decided that giving money to bookies is not a good thing. Still, despite managing to pick the horse that would come last in every race I  had a good time. It's an excuse to dress up (I put on my best dungarees) and watch the pure bred fillies trot around.
Here's one...

Monday 14 June 2010

The 27 Club

'The Week' has chosen some of my cartoons again. Just to explain, in case you haven't seen an earlier post about The Week- they pick out bits of the world's media and condense it into one handy publication, which comes out every, er...week. I had no idea they'd chosen them. I only found out after I queried a mystery payment (which is going to come in handy in a couple of days time when I throw money at lame racehorses).

Here's one of the gags, which was originally in Prospect.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

ee(book) bah gum

I think I'm getting to that age where gadgets just confuse me, rather than engage me. Seems to me that most of these new handheld devices are just fancy ways of watching telly.
So what if you've got a long train journey ahead- why not switch off and let your mind wander for a change.
And ebooks- what are they all about? Try dropping one of those in the bath, or half burying it on the beach, or forgetting to recharge it.
"Yeah- it's got 30000 books in its memory...can't read any of 'em, mind- battery's run out."

This one is in the latest Private Eye magazine

Friday 4 June 2010

That's a nice a-donut

I don't normally double post on the same day, but one of my favourite films, The Godfather, is on telly right now.

Here's one I couldn't sell anywhere.

I shoulda made the cartoon editors an offer they couldn't refuse...

Starry starry night

I couldn't sell this one for ages, but thankfully the Oldie took it and it's in their latest issue.